About Us

Here at Fulfilling Life Tips, we believe everyone deserves to live an amazing, abundant and fulfilling life. A life where you look forward to each new day with a smile on your face, happiness, and hope in your heart. But we also know that life in itself comes with many challenges. Our articles are specially written to help you cope with life’s challenges and obstacles and come out at the top.

We are obsessed with helping people keep motivated, push for their goals and stay hopeful for tomorrow despite what the past or even present looks like. We focus on self-help and finance as the two move hand in hand. Everyone desires to have or create financial freedom for themselves and their loved ones especially if one wasn’t born or raised in a well-to-do family. But it can be a long, challenging, and draining journey to trek alone and with no help at all. Well, we are here to walk that journey with you.

We wish you the very best and we are beyond excited to be part of your journey.


Natasha Evelyne About Us
Natasha Evelyne, self-help author

Fulfilling Life Tips was founded by Natasha Evelyne, a young girl but a big dreamer in July 2021. She hopes to inspire others as well as herself to push for their goals in life and attain fulfilling lives for themselves. It started as a blog aimed at inspiring and keeping people motivated. Along the way, she discovered most people do not like reading and therefore started a biweekly podcast to cater to these. The podcast was named Abundant Living Series. Abundant Living Series Podcast also features different self-help and finance categories as well, in addition to other random but important and beautiful topics.

Along the way, Niinye Innocent joined the team and is the main contributor in the finance category.

About Us
Niinye Innocent, finance author
  • Fulfilling Life Tips was inspired by our obsession to see people living their best lives – abundant lives. Abundant Living was the first choice of name but that domain was taken, Fulfilling Life Tips came in as a handy and beautiful alternative. So when the podcast was started it was a no-brainer to take the first choice of the website name and transfer it to the podcast.

Otherwise, from the team, we wish you a beautiful time here. Enjoy your reading.